Guys, this website… will go soon. (7/9/2024) - Hi everybody. It’s been very long since I wrote the last post, isn’t it?Unfortunately, I come with some… sad news. I’ve been thinking about it for some time now, and I’m afraid I gonna have to turn down. I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Moving the old message to the News section. (2/17/2021) - Hi guys! I’m just moving this to the News section so I can take it out of the Comics section, to avoid confusion. Everything’s fine, now. It’s just for the record. I’m alright, now. Updates will come back soon. Esther.
Coming back next week! (1/27/2019) - Well, here I am. New year, new mood luckyly. I’m sorry I didn’t bring you any updates in Desember, even if I said I would. I’ve said this in lots of sites already so I’m not sure if I did[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Another break please… (11/11/2018) - Hi! Sorry for the delay. I’ve got a lot on my plate again so I’m gonna have to take another pause from Hell and Heaven until I reorganize my time. Hopefully, it will only be a month or so. I’ll keep[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
I’ll keep it one more year (10/20/2017) - The tittle says it all, but I’ll specify what I mean. As I asked aobut keeping this webpage alive or not, not many people answered the call… BUT thanks to the ones who did answer and others who are actually[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Question for readers – To keep it or not to keep it…? (6/13/2017) - Tough question. It’s been long since I last updated the news section, so here it is, a new post with one of those hesitations of mine. I’ve been keeping the new site since 2013 and also paying the usual[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
See you back in January! (12/23/2016) - It’s no secret that even artists need a vacation from time to time. I always try to keep uploads as much as possible but this year I REALLY need some free time. I’ve been working hard during the year and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Big comic update! (10/28/2016) - Well, my friends, as you might notice, Twitter has been filled with messages from WordPress updates. That’s normal. I’ve been uploading the remade pages of Chapter 1 on Tapastic, Webtoon and Becomics for the last weeks and I was waiting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Color change and Webtoon. (9/7/2016) - I’ve been willing to modify the English site since I remodeled the Spanish one, so here it goes. Red for English, Blue for Spanish. I should have probably done it the other way round but I admit I was a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Minor changes – September 2015 (9/21/2015) - Just a quick note to tell you that I have made some small changes on the page. TOP OF THE PAGE: There’s an ddvert of my Patreon’s page and added some autumn mood. Let’s welcome it right. 🙂 I removed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Removed something. (3/12/2015) - I’m tired… I haven’t been able to change the MLW section for a year or so and I don’t like to leave that way, so I’m removing it now and will upload it again once I have the time to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Christmas time is here! (12/5/2014) - Yep, is that time of the year again! As you can see, I’ve changed the sidebars from the theme and added snow for a more festivity look. It’s not much but last year I didn’t do it so… here it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Will post the page this afternoon! (10/10/2014) - Just a quick message to let you all know that I will post the new page this afternoon. Been though a lot lately and I couldn’t rezise it yesterday. This afternoon, about 5 o’clock (Spain hour) in the afternoon it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...


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